Useful Information For Making Bad Decisions

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
(If you're Canadian) You will read and re-read this website looking for immigration loopholes that will allow your beloved Cuban to get to Canada without you having to sponsor him/her. It won't work. You'll eventually make the leap to marriage. But in the meantime you will become much more knowledgeable about Canadian immigration and therefore slightly more interesting and/or irritating at dinner parties

Cuba Amor
The classic site for all your Cuba love related questions. Getting involved with this website will make you paranoid, angry, depressed, scared...and then hit you with some negative emotions too. If your relationship can survive Cuba Amor, it can survive anything!

Caribbean Transfers
Of course, your love is pure, you will never need to send money to Cuba. But just in case...

Cuba Junky
I actually don't know much about this website. They review casa particulars and seem to have lots of other information about Cuba that I haven't read but that you may enjoy.


  1. You forgot other important ones like ezetop and compra dtodo for putting top ups on their cell phones.

  2. Yeah, I must have got distracted by something shiny and stopped halfway through, eventually I'll have it all!

  3. *sigh*
    I did it too! Only he was/is maintenance. Did the back and forth thing, 4 times or so a year for 4 years and then married him. He's "Cuban married" to a local teacher so...we are done!
    I'm here looking for divorce tips. Last I read, I can file and obtain right here in Ontario. He has 60 days to respond once documents are received.
    Are you sure the stats are only 70%... That is pretty amazing for people who create these illusions of love with the help of their friends, family, spouses and community. It actually takes the community to pull this scam off well. I'd like to nominate them all for Academy Awards.

    1. Does your marriage still stand even if he's already Cuban married? Did you ignore your own fears or were you completely hoodwinked by him? Hope it hurts less with time

  4. These information is really helpful. Thanks a lot for doing like this job.

  5. This is very helpful. I have collected many things from you. Good job
